Hospital Indemnity Insurance Plan
The Hospital Indemnity Insurance Plan is a supplemental limited indemnity plan insurance designed to pay daily cash benefits to help alleviate the out-of-pocket expenses of hospital confinements.
- Competitive member rates for the member and their family
- Members get cash for each day they’re confined in a hospital to use however they wish
- Acceptance in the Hospital Indemnity Insurance Plan is guaranteed
- Coverage available for spouses and eligible children
- This policy has a 10 day free look*
- The HIP is based on non-occupational
- The benefits are pre-determined fixed amount per day up to a calendar year maximum
- The policy is Guaranteed Renewable
*For SC residents 30 days free look for replacement coverage
Accident Indemnity Benefit
Accident Indemnity Benefit can lend a member a hand by providing cash benefits directly to them when they experience an accident that requires treatment by a medical professional, so they can keep their so they can keep their mind on getting better.
Accident Indemnity Benefit includes:
- Cash for covered medical treatment and services due to a covered accident.
- Cash for any remaining medical expenses – or daily costs.
Individual Hospital Indemnity insurance is issued by Pan-American Life Insurance Company on form
PAN-INDHI-POL-21 and state variations. The plan will not pay benefits for any care provided prior to the coverage
effective date or if the insured is confined in a hospital at the time the coverage is effective. Hospital does not
include a nursing home, convalescent home or extended care facility.
This is not a Medicare Supplement Policy. THIS PLAN PROVIDES LIMITED BENEFITS. This is a supplement to
health insurance and is not a substitute for the minimum essential coverage required by the Affordable Care Act
(ACA). Lack of major medical coverage (or other minimum essential coverage) may result in an additional payment
with your taxes. Coverage is not available in all states. Like most insurance benefit programs, our products have
exclusions, limitations, waiting periods and terms for keeping them in force. Full details of the coverage are
contained within the Policy. If there are any conflicts between this document and the Policy, the Policy shall govern.
Allied Association and Pan-American Life are not affiliated.
This is an invitation to inquire about the Hospital Indemnity Insurance Plan and Accident Indemnity. This is a limited description of the plan.
See the Enhanced Association Benefits information for complete details.
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